Valle de Yerri
It is located in the Natural Park of Urbasa and Andía.
The Yerri Valley is composed of 19 councils: Alloz, Arandigoyen, Arizala, Arizaleta, Azcona, Bearin, Eraul, Grocin, Ibiricu, Iruñela, Lácar, Lorca, Murillo, Murugarren, Riezu, Úgar, Villanueva, Zábal y Zurucuáin.
19 councils

You can find the Yerri Valley in the North-East corner of the merindad, one of the largest in Navarre. It borders to the north with the Urbasa and Andía mountain range, with Guesálaz to the East and with Estella to the South, with the Allín Valley and Améscoa Allín Baja to the West.
Cross this vast area the foothills of the mountain ranges of Andía and Urbasa, which extend in the mountains of Legarra, Arrigurena, Bearin de Arriba, Alabe, Altide, Solanas, Zarrabe, Suquiesu, Aldaya, Zamberro, Espinar, Murugarren, Arterigaztea and “facero” (the common public land shared between two or more villages) of Riezu and Lezén.
Its hydrographs is reduced to the Irantzu River and its tributaries, occupying the southern part of the valley and the Salt watering at the western end.
Flora and fauna
Due to the morphological variety of the valley the vegetation is equally varied. The vegetation distribution is as follows: Holm Oaks 1.269 hectares; Beech trees 340 hectares; Oaks and Gall-Oaks 80 hectares.
The Atlantic and Sub-Mediterranean forests appear mainly to the North of the Valley (Zumbeltz, Ibiricu, the North of Arizaleta and Riezu).
The Mediterranean forest, above all the main representative, appears in the rest of the Valley taking into account the crops cereal, grapes, olives, almonds, asparagus have been replaced in many areas by Holm oaks.
The most important communications ranged from Barranca to Yerri and the bridge of Lorca, with derivations to the Mañeru and SolanaValleys.
There are credible medieval castles in the Valley, andJosé de Moret quoted almost impregnable in the surroundings of Salinas de Oro.
Phone: (+34) 948542174