Abarzuza Bakery
Our bread and pastries are prepared by hand starting from the basic and antique raw materials, flour, yeast, water and salt. We use very basic and very high quality products, as we are committed to producing handmade products like in the old days.
The “Pan de Abárzuza” has received a distinction award recently for its handmade products. The distinction award certifies that all its production methods are adjusted to methods of yesteryears, taking care with the raw materials, the kneading, the baking, the packaging right through to the transport.
In a painstaking way caring for all the processes until the product reaches the client, so that they can enjoy the flavours, and the same quality as always, and as it should be.
Hueco (hollow), sobado (with a touch of aniseed), integral (wholemeal), rústico (Rustic Spanish bread), gallego (bread of Galicia), blanco (white), sin sal (without salt), de cebolla (with onion), con frutos secos (with dried fruits and nuts), preñado (bread stuffed with chorizo), etc.
Magdalenas (Spanish muffins), españolas (flat cupcakes), barquitos (boat shaped cupcakes), trángulos de chocolate (chocolate triangles), cruasanes (croissants), bizcochitos (small cakes), etc.
We are open every day from early morning until 1:30pm, except Christmas Day and New Years Day.
A little bit history
The “Pan de Abárzuza” was founded in 2002 with a clear objective that was to offer their clients an excellent service tailoring to their needs with an artisanal product, distinguished and personalized.
Our motto is “Eat products from the bakery of Abárzuza. Your health and well-being will appreciate it”.
In the bakery of Abárzuza our bakers work every day of the year to offer fresh products daily. We knead and bake bread the old way, everyday, “That’s our secret”.
Our delivery men distribute the goods close to you so that you can enjoy and experience the pleasure of tasting quality, whilst having confidence in the brand and the professionals behind it.
Pan de Abárzuza is a new way of understanding food.e Farm School in Lezaun)
Town: Abárzuza.
Address: Ctra. Arizala, nº1 31178
Contact: Arantza
Phone: (+34) 948520498 / (+34) 619058925
E-mail: arantza_d@hotmail.com